Query Integrator
Save and integrate queries over multiple sources

Project Status | Inactive |
Project Tag | QI |
Project Lead | Detwiler, Todd |
Project Members |
Brinkley, Jim |
Publications | http://sigpubs.si.washington.edu/view/subjects/QI.html |
Funding Sources |
Miscelaneous Ontology views Brain Project FaceBase 2 |
Biomedical Domains |
Clinical trials management Brain imaging Anatomy education |
Informatics Research Areas |
Data Integration |
Related Projects |
OCDM Browser 1 FMA Browser 1 vSPARQL Anatomy Engine Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology of Craniofacial Development and Malformation |
Services |
Query Integrator Demo |
The Query Web Integrator and Manager (QI) permits users to write, save and reuse queries over any web accessible source, including other queries saved in other installations of QI. The saved queries may be in any language (e.g. SPARQL, XQuery); the only condition for interconnection is that the queries return their results in some form of XML. This condition allows queries to chain off each other, and to be written in whatever language is appropriate for the task. We have demonstrated the potential use of QI for several biomedical use cases, including ontology view generation using a combination of graph-based and logical approaches, value set generation for clinical data management, image annotation using terminology obtained from an ontology web service, ontology-driven brain imaging data integration, small-scale clinical data integration, and wider-scale clinical data integration. Such use cases illustrate the current range of applications of QI and lead us to speculate about the potential evolution from smaller groups of interconnected queries into a larger query network that layers over the document and semantic web. The resulting Query Web could greatly aid researchers and others who now have to manually navigate through multiple information sources in order to answer specific questions.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI) "A Query Integrator and Manager for the Query Web" JBI submission supplementary information: Demo queries
If you would like to install your own local instance of the QI, instructions and download links are available here: Installation instructions.
id | 278 |
Drupal Node ID (nid) | 238 |