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FMA Version Update Log
Major Additions, Modifications, and Deletions Per FMA Release Version
- FMA v4.2.0
- In this release we performed a significant clean-up in order to fix a large number of unsatisfiable classes. With this release there are no unsatisfiable classes detected via the ELK EL reasoner.
- We have augmented human development content, with primary focus on the musculoskeletal system of the head. This includes taxonomic, spatio-structural and developmental representation of cranial bones, muscles, ligaments, joints and cartilages.
- FMA v4.3.0
- Added content relating to fetal craniofacial muscles and bones and their associated development properties was incorporated.
- Updated some of the spatio-structural properties in terms of domain and range assignments, as well as obsoleted properties that were either unused or inappropriately used and properties translated from attributed relationships used in frames (e.g. direct anterior_to, direct_continuous)
- FMA v4.4.0
- Performed error and consistency checks on 'part' properties
- Updated content on fetal craniofacial muscles and pharyngeal arches.
- FMA v4.4.1
- Fixed several errors that led to unsatisfiable classes in v4.4.0
- FMA v4.5.1
- Augmentations/changes undocumented
- FMA v4.6.0 (01-11-2017)
- Updated content on fetal skull bones.
- Extended parthood relationships for prostate gland in conjunction with DICOM/PI-RADS.
- Instantiated lateralized versions of neuroanatomical entities in conjunction with TA alignment.
- FMA v4.8.0 (07-01-2017)
- Updated content on constitutional parts of hand.
- Updated parthood properties of back and front of trunk.
- Added NeuroQuant terms to FMA classes.
- Implemented correction of errors identified by UMLS.
- FMA v4.11.0 (04-01-2018)
- Updated artery terms.
- Updated disjointness properties of bones and muscles.
- FMA v4.12.0 (07-01-2018)
- Updated classification of neurons into axonic and nonaxonic types.
- FMA v4.13.0 (10-01-2018)
- Updated classification and properties of limb girdles.
- Current overall statistics:
- Number of classes (more or less the number of anatomical entities): 104, 523
- Number of properties (object + data + annotation): 219
- Number of occurrences of the properties (more or less, number of relations): 1,203,636. Needs to be verified.
- Number of terms (including synonyms): ~350,000
- FMA v4.14.0 (01-01-2019)
- Added definitions to a number of structures, e,g fasciae, anatomical lines, ligaments, limb structures .
- Updated properties for pectoral girdle
- Added various eponyms
- Added skeletal and nonskeletal ligaments
- FMA v4.15.0 (04-01-2019)
- Added definitions to a number of structures, such as organ parts.
- Updated properties for the different compartments in the head
- Added laterality propertyAdd your page text here